
Intention (Why do we teach what we teach?)

At Stoke St Michael Primary and Nursery School, our aim is to ensure that all children can access and achieve in mathematics. We are committed to delivering a comprehensive mathematics education that challenges and supports each pupil, encouraging a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Our curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity and foster a lifelong appreciation for the subject.

Implementation (How do we teach it?)

To achieve our intent, we utilise the White Rose Maths scheme throughout the school to provide structured, skills progressive and coherent lessons. In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), we incorporate Ten Town alongside White Rose to establish a strong foundation for our youngest learners. Our approach to teaching maths is built upon the mantra ‘try it, use it, prove it’, encouraging children to engage actively with their learning process.

We employ a variety of teaching methods to cater for different learning styles. These include the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract methods that help scaffold and consolidate learning. Initially, we use concrete physical resources and pictorial representations in order to help provide the children with a better understanding of abstract concepts.

Our lessons are intended to be engaging and relevant, allowing pupils to make connections between mathematical concepts and real-world applications.

Impact (What has been the impact and how do we know?)

The impact of our maths teaching is measured through various robust and insightful approaches. We gather and analyse data from regular assessments to monitor pupils’ progress and understanding. Teacher judgements and observations provide qualitative insights into each child’s learning journey. Book looks, where we review pupils’ workbooks, help us assess the consistency and quality of work. Additionally, targeted interventions are used to support and accelerate learning for those who may need extra help.  By maintaining a broad and balanced maths curriculum, we aim for our pupils to achieve fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills by the time they leave us. Ultimately, our goal is for each child to reach their full mathematical potential, equipped with both confidence and competence in their abilities.

How can I support my child’s learning?

White Rose Maths has created a selection of videos entitled ‘Maths with Michael’ that explains the different areas of maths and how parents can support their child’s learning at home.

For guidance on the specific methods of calculation that your child will be taught, please refer to our calculation policy. WRM calculation policy 2024 All year groups

Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions or concerns.